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Altair Engineering Hosts Discussion of Noise Reduction in Public Buses


Altair Engineering


Altair Engineering will host an American Public Transportation Association (APTA) meeting to discuss transit bus interior noise and noise reduction. This is the first of several meetings to discuss this issue.

Jos Timmermans, engineering director, commercial vehicles (Altair) will define noise, explain how noise is created, and discuss how to design vehicles that result in reduced noise.

Following Timmermans, APTA will lead a discussion centered on HVAC noise in public buses and approaches for noise reduction.

APTA is an international organization committed to the advancement of public transportation.

Altair Engineering, with Automation Alley, recently secured a $550,000 federal grant to design an improved mass transit bus.


Tuesday, March 1, 2005
8 a.m. - 5 p.m.


Altair Engineering (Auditorium)
1820 E. Big Beaver Rd.
Troy, Mich.
(248) 614-2400

About Altair Engineering

Through product design consulting, advanced engineering software and high-performance computing (HPC) technologies, Altair Engineering increases innovation for clients around the globe. Founded in 1985 and privately held with offices throughout 12 countries, Altair's unparalleled knowledge and expertise in product development and manufacturing extend throughout North America, Europe and Asia. As the developer of Altair® HyperWorks® - The Engineering Framework for Product DesignTM, Altair is the leading provider of high-end, open CAE software solutions for modeling, visualization, optimization and process automation. The company’s grid computing software, PBS ProfessionalTM, is a workload management solution for HPC environments, Linux clusters and desktop cycle harvesting that delivers an ROI within one year. For detailed information about Altair, visit www.altair.com

Michael Kidder

Altair Engineering, Inc.

(248) 614-2400, ext. 269


Colleen Kmiecik

Marx Layne & Company

(248) 855-6777
