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HP Selects Altair’s PBS Pro to Manage HPC Workload on HP’s LINUX cluster offerings

TROY, Mich., November 8, 2004 - Today, Altair Engineering, a global leader recognized for innovative product development, advanced engineering software and grid computing technology, announced HP’s selection of Altair Engineering’s PBS ProTM workload management offering for worldwide deployment on HP’s popular LINUX high performance cluster solutions.

PBS ProTM is a workload management solution for grid computing environments, LINUX clusters and distributed servers and workstations. PBS Pro optimizes the utilization of computing resources by intelligently scheduling and managing computational workload in broad industry classes including energy, financial, government, life sciences, logistics, manufacturing and research. By increasing the efficiency of the hardware and software resources, PBS Pro reduces overall TCO and provides true business value to grid computing.

The HP High Performance LINUX cluster is an affordable, certified hardware solution suite that delivers on HP's High Performance Computing strategy. This hardware configuration can be combined with certified partner application solution stacks spanning both ProLiant IA32 Xeon DP and AMD Opteron hardware configurations providing a turn-key solution. This solution removes barriers to installation and integration - minimizing the investment of corporate IT resources - while delivering a reliable and substantial HPC resource to the end user community.

According to Mike Humphrey, Vice President of Enterprise Computing at Altair, "The HP LINUX solution combined with PBS Pro directly addresses the fastest growing segment of the HPC market. HP has really hit a sweet spot in the market by selecting and integrating all of the hardware and software components that clients will need for a highly scalable, pre-configured, production ready LINUX Cluster."

Bruce Toal, HP’s High Performance Computing Division Director of Marketing states "We are very pleased to have Altair’s PBS Pro as a key component of our Partner Driven Solution suite. As clustered solutions continue to gain acceptance in the HPC marketplace, workload management and cluster management become critical components of large-scale server deployments."

The combined solutions address the high performance computing needs of life science markets, educational and government research, manufacturing, oil and gas exploration, EDA and financial engineering. "Addressing the critical needs of these markets requires the combined solution from HP and Altair like the one that we have assembled and announced today" added Toal.

For more information on HP LINUX Cluster Solutions, please visit www.hp.com
For more information on PBS Pro, please visit www.altair.com/pbspro

About Altair Engineering

Through product design consulting, advanced engineering software and high performance computing technologies, Altair Engineering increases innovation for clients around the globe. Founded in 1985 and privately held with offices throughout 11 countries, Altair's unparalleled knowledge and expertise in product development and manufacturing extend throughout North America, Europe and Asia. As the developer of Altair® HyperWorks® - The Engineering Framework for Product DesignTM, Altair is the leading provider of high-end, open CAE software solutions for modeling, visualization, optimization and process automation. The company’s grid computing software, PBS ProTM, is a workload management solution for high performance computing environments, LINUX clusters and desktop cycle harvesting that delivers an ROI within one year. For detailed information about Altair, visit www.altair.com

Michael Kidder

Altair Engineering, Inc.

(248) 614-2400, ext. 269
