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Beijing Aokai Fuhui Technology Co., Ltd Becomes Altair’s PBS Works Primary Distributor in China

Strategic partnership promotes development of HPC market in China Beijing, China, Apr. 17, 2012 – Altair Engineering, Inc., a leading global provider of simulation and advanced computing software solutions, announced today that Beijing Aokai Fuhui Technology Co., Ltd (AKFH), the former LSF main distributor has become the primary distributor for Altair’s PBS Works software in China.

“We are enthusiastic that this strategic partnership will enable Altair to efficiently promote the development of the high-performance computing industry in China, said Herbert Qi, general manager, Altair Greater China. “Beijing Aokai Fuhui is a company that is highly respected in the market and has the qualifications we were looking for in a strategic partner as we accelerate our growth initiatives in China.”

AKFH is one of the leading IT solution providers in China. Its business is focused on cloud computing, simulation and the high-performance computing (HPC) industry. AKFH, with Beijing as its headquarters, expands its high-efficient sales network and services network throughout the nation, including Shanghai, Guangzhou, Chengdu, Luoyang, Nanchang, and other main cities in China.

“PBS Works is an excellent software solution for high-performance computing, with a highly-respected reputation in the industry,” stated Jin Haicheng, general manager, Beijing Aokai Fuhui. “We’re so proud that Altair chose us as the primary distributor of PBS Works in China. We hope to promote PBS Works to more enterprises as they look to build better HPC platforms.”

PBS Works is a suite of on-demand cloud computing technologies that allows enterprises to maximize ROI on computing infrastructure assets. PBS Works is the most widely implemented software environment to optimize grid, cloud, cluster and on-demand computing worldwide. The suite’s flagship product, PBS Professional®, provides a flexible, on-demand computing environment that allows enterprises to easily share diverse (heterogeneous) computing resources across geographic boundaries.

About Aokai Fuhui
Beijing Aokai Fuhui Technology Co. Ltd., is one of the leading IT solution providers in China. Its business is focused on cloud computing, simulation and HPC for various industries including defense, government, finance, telecommunication and others. To learn more, please visit www.aokaifh.cn.

About PBS Works
PBS Works™, Altair's suite of on-demand cloud computing technologies, allows enterprises to maximize ROI on existing infrastructure assets. PBS Works is the most widely implemented software environment for managing grid, cloud, and cluster computing resources worldwide. Its flagship product, PBS Professional®, allows enterprises to easily share distributed computing resources across geographic boundaries. With additional tools for portal-based submission, analytics, and data management, the PBS Works suite is a comprehensive solution for optimizing HPC environments. Leveraging a revolutionary “pay-for-use” unit-based business model, PBS Works delivers increased value and flexibility over conventional software-licensing models. Visit www.pbsworks.com to learn more about how PBS Works makes high-performance computing faster, smarter and more productive.

About Altair
Altair Engineering, Inc., empowers client innovation and decision-making through technology that optimizes the analysis, management and visualization of business and engineering information. Privately held, with more than 1,500 employees, Altair has offices throughout North America, South America, Europe and Asia/Pacific. With a 26-year track record for high-end software and consulting services for engineering, computing and enterprise analytics, Altair consistently delivers a competitive advantage to customers in a broad range of industries. To learn more, please visit www.altair.com and www.simulatetoinnovate.com.

Media Contact:
Jennifer Korail
Airfoil Public Relations
for PBS Works