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Altair’s PBS Professional Deployed on Cray XC30 Supercomputer at JAIST

Japan Advanced Institute for Science and Technology Chooses PBS Professional for HPC Workload Management TROY, Mich., June 17, 2013 – Altair, a global provider of simulation technology and engineering services, today announced that its industry-leading workload management product, PBS Professional®, has been selected to manage workload for the Cray XC30 supercomputer recently put into production by the Japan Advanced Institute for Science and Technology (JAIST).

One of Japan's premier academic research centers, JAIST is using the new Cray XC30 supercomputer for research into massively parallel programming and a variety of scientific pursuits. The two-cabinet Cray XC30 supercomputer at JAIST has a peak performance of more than 118 teraflops with 5760 CPU cores and is the Institute's main system for its high-performance computing (HPC) facility.

"At JAIST, it is imperative to provide our world-class scientists with the best available technology resources to support their computational research," said Professor Mineo Kaneko, director of the JAIST Research Center for Advanced Computing Infrastructure at JAIST. "The pioneering Cray XC30 supercomputer with PBS Professional will allow our users to expand the scope of their research efforts with a proven, well-integrated solution they can rely on.”

"Cray has a long history of collaborating with Altair, and we are happy to be working together again for this landmark HPC system at JAIST," said Mamoru Nakano, president of Cray Japan. "Altair’s PBS Professional is a respected leader in large-scale HPC workload management. The Cray-Altair partnership ensures that top global research organizations like JAIST have the reliable, efficient and well-supported supercomputing resources needed for their groundbreaking scientific work."

Previously code-named "Cascade," the Cray XC30 supercomputer is Cray's most advanced HPC system and is engineered to meet the most demanding performance challenges of HPC users. The Cray XC30 supercomputer features the Aries system interconnect; a Dragonfly network topology that frees applications from locality constraints; an innovative cooling system that uses a transverse airflow to lower customers' total cost of ownership; the next-generation of the scalable, high-performance Cray Linux Environment that also supports a wide range of ISV applications; Cray's HPC optimized programming environment; and the ability to handle a wide variety of processor types, including Intel® Xeon® processors, Intel® Xeon Phi coprocessors, and NVIDIA® Tesla® GPU accelerators.

One of the most popular workload management products in existence, Altair’s PBS Professional has been used for more than 20 years at thousands of customer sites to easily share distributed computing resources across geographic boundaries. PBS Professional is the flagship product for PBS Works, a comprehensive suite for optimizing HPC environments that offers additional tools for Web-based submission, analytics and data management.

JAIST scientists are utilizing their new supercomputer to accelerate advancements in the development of new algorithms for highly parallel computers, performing large-scale simulations in nanotechnology and biomechanics, and a wide range of other scientific disciplines.

For more information on the JAIST HPC system, visit http://isc-w3.jaist.ac.jp/iscenter/index.php?id=296&L=1.

About PBS Works
PBS Works™, Altair's suite of on-demand cloud computing technologies, allows enterprises to maximize ROI on existing infrastructure assets. PBS Works is the most widely implemented software environment for managing grid, cloud and cluster computing resources worldwide. Its flagship product, PBS Professional®, allows enterprises to easily share distributed computing resources across geographic boundaries. With additional tools for portal-based submission, analytics and data management, the PBS Works suite is a comprehensive solution for optimizing HPC environments. Incorporating a revolutionary “pay-for-use” unit-based business model, PBS Works delivers increased value and flexibility over conventional software-licensing models. Visit www.pbsworks.com to learn more about how PBS Works makes high-performance computing faster, smarter and more productive.

About Altair
Altair empowers client innovation and decision-making through technology that optimizes the analysis, management and visualization of business and engineering information. Privately held, with more than 1,800 employees, Altair has offices throughout North America, South America, Europe and Asia/Pacific. With a 27-year track record for high-end software for engineering and computing, enterprise analytics solutions, and innovative product design and development, Altair consistently delivers a competitive advantage to customers in a broad range of industries. To learn more, please visit www.altair.com or www.simulatetoinnovate.com.

Press Contact:
Jenn Korail
Airfoil for Altair