How to Feed Simulation Models with SmartWorks

Presentation by Oliver Breuer, Head of Software Engineering at FLUIDON.

There is a life for simulation models beyond the development process. Despite the large amount of data that can be collected from industrial facilities, the real benefit is behind colorful graphics and charts. To get there, the data provided by the connected components of an IoT capable system has to be analysed and put into context. So, the question is not what can be done with all the collected data but how to generate useful information. Using a simulation model in automated analysis allows estimating the condition of a subsystem or component, even though it is not directly monitored by dedicated sensors. Models created with DSHplus by FLUIDON (APA) can be exported to run as processing modules within IoT Platforms such as SmartWorks by Altair. They can be conditioned with the collected data and put it into the context of system behavior in order to make concrete statements about the current state of the system and its components. These digital twins turn the previous service life of simulation models into a closed cycle that includes product development, commissioning and operation and starts again when revisions and new developments are made on the basis of the existing system.

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